2008年6月19日 星期四

little / few; a little / a few

little 和 few 同樣是解作「有些」,然而用法卻有分別;然而,當它們加上'a'的時候,情況又變得不一樣,從來不用復雜地學

Countable : few, a few
Uncountable: little, a little

Nearly none, unexpected: few, little
some: a few, a little

簡單! 比較一下兩句:
  • I have got a little money. (我有少少錢)
  • I have little money. (我無錢)
  • His ideas are difficult, and few people understand them .
  • His ideas are difficult, but a few people understand them.
也要留意一下兩句中 and 和 but 的用法
