2008年6月19日 星期四

little / few; a little / a few

little 和 few 同樣是解作「有些」,然而用法卻有分別;然而,當它們加上'a'的時候,情況又變得不一樣,從來不用復雜地學

Countable : few, a few
Uncountable: little, a little

Nearly none, unexpected: few, little
some: a few, a little

簡單! 比較一下兩句:
  • I have got a little money. (我有少少錢)
  • I have little money. (我無錢)
  • His ideas are difficult, and few people understand them .
  • His ideas are difficult, but a few people understand them.
也要留意一下兩句中 and 和 but 的用法

2008年6月10日 星期二

Data is / are ?

Data,在這一個資訊社會上,我想小學生也會懂的字,但究竟Data 用 is 還是用 are 呢?
試用幾個不同 level 的 sources 來查證一下:

1. 隨意在 google 查 -- 科學用 are, 一般用 is

So, on the issue of data in modern American usage, you might say "The data is mixed". But as for consistency in scientific writing, the data are strongly behind it.

-- 科學用 are, 一般用 is
Many British and UN academic, scientific, and professional style guides (e.g., see page 43 of the World Health Organization Style Guide) request that authors treat data as a plural noun.

UK usage now widely accepts treating data as singular in standard English, including everyday newspaper usage at least in non-scientific use.

3. Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (Fourth Edition) -- 兩者皆可
The data is /are still being analysed.

There is uncertainty with some nouns as to whether they are singular or plural ......
This data is correct
and These data are correct are both acceptable

4. Practical English Usage -- 兩者皆可

Data is originally the plural of datum, which is not now used; in modren english, data is used as both singular and plural.

5. Britannica Online (Dictionary and Thesaurus)
-- 科學用 are, 一般用 is

Data leads a life of its own quite independent of datum, of which it was originally the plural. It occurs in two constructions.....

Both constructions are standard. The plural construction is more common in print, evidently because the house style of several publishers mandates it.

所以,如果想平凡一點,Data is / are 也是對的,但想高深一點(尤其是進行科學研究),便用 Data are 吧。

2008年6月8日 星期日

Verb to be

英語是一種以動語來展視 Copula (介體) 的語言,當中最簡單的,就是Verb to be。如果還是太深奧,不明白,那麼再簡單一點,Verb to be 就是用不來表示主語的狀態,包括時間,人數等等。

Be 的自身
Be 跟所有動詞一樣,有兩個形態(現在分詞和過去分詞) :'Being' and 'Been' ,就是我們常常說的ing-form 和 pp-form。

Be 的5 位分身
然而,他有另外5位「形狀」不同的分身:'is', 'am', 'are', 'was', 'were',那麼其他動詞沒有這些分身嗎?不是!只是它們的分身跟自己的「形狀」類似的。

舉例: Eat 相對於 Be 的分身是:'eats', 'eat', 'eat', 'ate', 'ate',ing-form是 eating,pp-form是eaten。

舉例: Play相對於 Be 的分身是:'plays', 'play', 'play', 'played', 'played',ing-form是 eating,pp-form是eaten。

對的,真的有兩個 'eat' 和兩個 'ate',可想而知,be真的幾痳煩,其他動詞一個就OK,它偏要分兩個。Be 的5位分身,最多運用在 passive voice 上。

2008年6月7日 星期六

淺談 被動式 Passive Voice II




Verb to be + pp-form。


淺談被動式 Passive Voice I

1. 何謂 Voice,何謂 Tense?


描述句子中動詞和參與此動作之主語之間關係的一個術語 (詳請)
簡單來說,就是用一種形式來區分誰是動作的進行者。所以,Voice 只有兩種,分別是主動式(Active Voice) 被動式 (Passive Voice)

2. 什麼時候用被動式?

  • 想把被動的東西變成主語
E.g. Look at that yellow apple, it is being eaten by a monster! (看看那黃色的蘋果,它正被怪獸給吃著!) 上述句子中,明顯「蘋果」比起誰吃掉它更為重要!
  • 難以分別誰是做動作的人時
E.g. My money has been stolen. (我的錢被偷了) 上述句子中,「我」也不知誰偷了我的錢,只知道錢被偷而已。