2008年8月22日 星期五

Email 格式及用語


  1. Address. 書信右上角是 sender address,左上角是 receiver address,但Email 只有sender和 receiver 的 email address
  2. Subject. 書信的信開頭要有一句 Re:XXXXX Email 則只要加上相應簡單的 subject,例:Re: Purchasing Order of Goods
  3. Greetings. Email的上款跟書信一樣,也是Dear Ms. XXX,但是很少使用Yours Faithfully ,多使用Best wishes, Regards, Best Regards, 甚至不太正統的 Thanks
較 Formal Email 的「公式」,就是:

  • Greetings! I am Peter of XXX company .....
  • Greetings from Hong Kong! I am Nancy.....

Email 是一種十分方便的文體,甚至多言,多是單刀直入:
  • I am writing to
  • Referring to your email dated XXXX, I am writing to .....
  • Referring to our telephone, I am writing to confirm.....
  • As you mentioned in the email below, <-- 留意,多數回覆的Email History 會附在下面
Email 多是要求對方有所動作,但亦要注意禮貌:
  • I should be grateful if you could ......
  • Could you let me have .......
  • .... on or before 22.8
  • .... by today (22/8)
也有可能無聊想人知道,不需要收件者有 action 的
  • .... for your information only
  • .... for your reference
  • ..... for your necessary action
  • Attached please find the document
  • Enclose please find the pdf files
Email 少有祝褔人的,ending 的句子多是「如有任何問題,可找我」,或者是「等待你的回覆」之類:
  • If you have further enquires, please feel free to contact me on XXX-XXX
  • I am looking forward to your reply
  • Best
  • Best Regards
  • Regards
  • Wishes
  • Thanks
  • Thank you

Subject: Invitation to School Open Day

Dear Ms. WONG,

Greetings! I am Fish from Kowloon College. As you know by previous emails, our school open day will be on 22.8.2008, I am writing to invite you to be our honourable guest.

Attached please find the draft rundown of the open day ceremony for your information please. It will be our pleasure if you could come and become our honourable guest.

I should be grateful if you could let me have your reply on or before 25.8.2008 so that I could arrange seat for you. Thank you.

Should you have any further enquires, please feel free to contact me on XXX-XXX. Looking for your reply.

Best Regards,
Head Prefect, Kowloon College